K2 Turrets deprecated

This mod adds three large and powerful turrets and one small building that acts like a radar and opens up a small section of the map without scanning far sectors, but at the same time consumes a small amount of energy.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Amazing mod

3 years ago

First off, amazing work on this.

I have a suggestion, i thought that the laser artillery turret would scale with the vanilla infinite artillery research and was disappointed when it did'nt, I think that it should but with an increased cost to boot, its not very power intensive for such a powerful laser turret. I don't know how to do that my self so I can't just edit that my self in my own game :)

Great looking turrets!

3 years ago

Unfortunately, due to game limitations, the Laser Artillery Turret is a generic game turret (not an artillery) and cannot be increased in radius :(

3 years ago

I hope that I am not breaking any rules that I am writing here.
In the mod "Endgame Combat" have a study to increase the firing range of turrets. It also applies to standard turrets(not artillery). Maybe take a look and take it for yourself.

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