Additional Compatibility for Cargo ships mod with Krastorio 2.
Version: 0.0.2 Date: 01-14-2023 - Adds Grids to ships from AAI Vehicles: Ironclad and Ironclad Gunboat and Mortar Turret if active. - Adds Grids to ships from Steamship Reloaded if active. - Added Chemical fuel type for kuter Steamship with K2
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 09-23-2022 - Initial version - Adds K2 items as ingredients from Krastorio 2 Compat by DBotThePony with cleanup due to changes to K2 itself - Adds Grids for both ships and the boat from Krastorio2 - Personal Tweaks by RusselRaZe with some personal changes