This is too good to be true ! I love it !
Can you make the same thing happened with Helicopter Mod ?
I want it to play either Airwolf Theme, or Paint It Black by Rolling Stone.
To avoid copyright infringement, just give us instruction how to add our own music in the description.
Furthermore, helicopter mod can be remotely called to player position, so can you make it that even if player not inside the vehicle, it can stiill play the custom song?
Also, another thing; this applies for this current mod: It seems the Factorio native volume kick in depends on the distance of the camera to player, and there's a AutoDrive mod that can call the car remotely.
In either case, i want to hear the music disregarding the distance.
Some player may not like it, so i suggest it would be an optional settings (Global music/ Local).
Please make it so.. it would be awesome to hear KITT and Airwolf/Paint It Black coming to my aid when i remotely call them.
Reinforcement is coming sir !
Lastly, instead of detecting player, make an option to play if a mod in the equipment slot were detected.
For Instance, if FARL module (Fully Automated Rail Mod) were detected, and that train is moving my way, it will play a custom song.
MacGyver theme is gonna be awesome!
This would be too much to take, so instead of giving support in the setting (checkbox), this feature must be input manually using the id?
In the setting would be a custom input box, where a player that want to enabled additional feature for other mod must putting an id them self.
Example :
Or perhaps you have better idea..
Please, especially for the helicopter mod. ๐