JFood mod

MrJakobLaichs food mod. This mod adds food that gives the player buffs! Intended for usage in combination with "Pyanodons" mods but works standalone as well!

1 year, 2 months ago
Environment Manufacturing

g V8

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Added farmland so you can actually get more plants without having to run around.
Yeah, probably unbalanced right now...

Yes, farmland needs power, probably needs that power for whatever tech it uses to make the plants grow even at night...

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

[Helper Mods] is the wrong tag for JFood, as it is game changing. [General] or [Big Mod] is more accurate. With farmland you have new [Mining], of sorts, then the items themselves could be considered [Weapons], [Armor], or [Utility]. If you build it up like Bio Industries, it's a [Big Mod] for sure. You might want to think about making JFood an expansion of Bio Industries, to avoid the work of fleshing out your own tree farm industry.

2 years ago

Thanks, that's a good point!
It was mostly a helper mod for people playing pyanodons (running and handcrafting is annoying) but I'll make it a general mod until I balance stuff a bit better :)

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