Invisible Character deprecated

by Deltius

Makes your character invisible

8 months ago

g Compatibility with miniMAXIme

7 months ago

Hi! Would you mind adding compatibility with miniMAXIme? Changing the vanilla character directly isn't ideal because it's used as a template by most mods that provide new characters. If you were to make your mod compatible with mine, people could use your invisible character in addition to any other characters they may have installed -- but your mod would work even if no other character or no character selector mod was active.

I've made this helper mod that will do most of the work for you. The mod contains detailed instructions, so I believe the transition wouldn't be too hard! :-)

(By the way: I've added your mod because I wanted to try it with miniMAXIme, but was still working in another mod dealing with vehicles and forgot about your mod. Then I noticed that my player was missing the character after leaving a tank and spent quite a while looking for the bug in my mod that destroyed it. Nice gotcha!)

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