Intermodal Containers

Load items into containers to boost belt throughput and train loading speeds. Developed from Deadlock's Crating Machine by Xorimuth and RedRafe.

3 months ago

b slightly imperfect container machine animation placement

3 months ago

the animation of the container machines is not places perfectly.
when zoomed in a lot, the machine model will slightly move up/down.
i noticed this by watching the T3 machine with speed module installed.
it's just a few pixels off but it is noticeable.

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

This is an issue related to the incorrect alignment of some of the assembler's frames in the entity's spritesheet. Not sure hot to resolve it in a clean way other than refactoring the graphics. Only happens in low res

3 months ago

so the issue is not with the container machine but certain animations in low res mode in general?
what a weird issue...
well, thanks for clarifying.

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