Intermodal Containers

Load items into containers to boost belt throughput and train loading speeds. Developed from Deadlock's Crating Machine by Xorimuth and RedRafe.

3 months ago

b [Fixed-2.0.7] Issues with several mods with latest update

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

Something in the latest update has created a weird issue with several mods. I had to revert to 2.0.5 or else I could not load Bobs Greenhouses, Transport Drones, Extended Descriptions gave some error about ic-blah blah not existing. I gave up and reverted after those 3 because while bobs is not a biggie for me it does help with the added cost of wood to landfill, but Extended Descriptions is a Not budging on having it same with transport drones. not sure if the code to move it to a new section caused it or what but 2.0.5 is fine 2.0.6 will not load with extended descripts and the other 2. like I said after 3 tries I gave up and reverted, not sure what all else it has issues with.

10 months ago

Just for clarification, yes IC 2.0.6 have some issues

Error in assignID: item-subgroup with name 'ic-flooring-basic' does not exist.

Source: ic-container-stone-brick (item).

Mods to disable: IC 2.0.6

I use many mods so i just write the big ones i use and can interfere with IC

Dectorio, Unfunny_science, Transport Drones, Bio Industries, Youki Industries with Trains addons

10 months ago

Should be fixed now, thanks for the reports!

New response