Intermodal Containers

Load items into containers to boost belt throughput and train loading speeds. Developed from Deadlock's Crating Machine by Xorimuth and RedRafe.

3 months ago

b [Can't-fix] Incompatability with Transport Drones when Py mods are enabled

1 year, 2 months ago

2.0.4 broke compatibility with the Transport Drones mod when Py mods are enabled.

When using Intermodal Containers 2.0.4, Transport Drones, and Pyanodon mods transport drones won't transport filled containers. Specifically TD's request depot doesn't have any options to request filled containers.

IC 2.0.4 works with TD if Py mods aren't present.

IC 2.0.3 worked with TD with Py present.

1 year, 30 days ago

I don't think I can do anything about this. I need to load after Py because of, and there's no way of telling the game that I need to load before Transport Drones. You'll have to ask the TD author to add a hidden-optional dependency on IC.

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