Intermodal Containers

Load items into containers to boost belt throughput and train loading speeds. Developed from Deadlock's Crating Machine by Xorimuth and RedRafe.

3 months ago

g Bobs Inserter intergratino

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

Hi, just wondering how i can go about changing what inserters are used for the main recipe for the container loader? as im and using Bobs logistics and it needs inserters im not going to get for a bit. I tried looking through the code for where it picks what inserter to us but couldnt see it. any help be appreciated

Update - i found where to change it, was in the Freight Forwarding mod code not yours

1 year, 5 months ago

Yes, Freight Forwarding overwrites some of the container machines recipes to better fit the progression of that mod. As you've found out, Bob's Inserters messes with the inserter unlock progression, which breaks the Freight Forwarding progression, so in the latest FF update, I've marked Bob's Inserters as incompatible, to stop people playing with them together and wondering why it isn't working. If you'd like to contribute fixes so that they do work together, feel free, but I don't have time to do so (and I generally dislike Bobs mods anyway).

1 year, 5 months ago

Hey @Svenie, can you descripe what you change in the code that Bob's Inserters are compatible?

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