Instant Robot Charging

Flying robots charge in roboports are really fast (balance is not changed)

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g [done][issue] Update for 1.1

4 years ago

Any chance you will be updating soon for version 1.1?

4 years ago


4 years ago

for some reason just the four charging pads at the top side of the port charge the bots

the four bottom ones do not

4 years ago

for some reason just the four charging pads at the top side of the port charge the bots

the four bottom ones do not

4 years ago

whoops wrong tab....

4 years ago

doesnt work with upgraded roboports

4 years ago

What is "upgraded roboports"?

4 years ago

a mod that adds 4 more charging pads

but im not sure anymore if it doesnt work i think the ports internal energy storage is just not able to keep up with the charging bots

i had the problem that altough there are 8 charging pads on those modded ports just four seememd to be in use and the four other bots just idled..

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