Inserter Configuration

More control over inserters. Adjust pickup and drop locations using a gui and various hotkeys. Adds 90 degree inserters.

3 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g differences to bobs adjustable inserters

3 years ago

Im using bobs adjustable inserters right now, could you list the differences between the two?

3 years ago

They enable and affect the same game-setting for inserters. So by definition they are very similar. Looking through the code:

  • more streamlined UI (in my opinion)
  • less pickup and drop-off positions, only 90°, see screenshots (deal-breaker for me)
  • max distance is tied to each inserter's default distance
  • no researchable technologies
  • global setting to toggle off that inserters follow the belt
  • all inserters get double the extension speed for their arms, not configurable
3 years ago

I don't see any advantage compared to Bob's Inserters.

3 years ago

thank you harag, the:
max distance is tied to each inserter's default distance
seems interesting to me

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


What do you mean by "all inserters get double the extension speed for their arms"? The rotation speed?

3 years ago

Just reading the code, this isn't my mod ;-) The property isn't really documented:

My guess is it's the speed at which the arm contracts when picking something up on the near side of a belt and the speed with which it extends when following an item on a belt.

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