Inlaid UV-lamp

by Pi-C

Add compatibility with "Schall Lamp Contrast", "Inlaid Lamps Extended", and "Inlaid Lamps 2" to "Will-o'-the-Wisps". Mainly, the UV-lamp will be changed to an inlaid lamp that vehicles can drive over without harming it. Please note: For best results, only one of the inlaid lamp mods should be active!

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


Version: 0.17.0
Date: 2019-06-10T21:12:00+02:00
    - Initial Release

    - Thanks to mk-fg, eduran, eradicator, Mathematician, and Schallfalke for some very useful explanations!

  Supported mods:
    - "Will-o'-the-Wisps updated"
      (This mod is strictly required! You will also need one of the mods listed below.)
    - "Inlaid Lamps Extended"
    - "Schall Lamp Contrast"

  Major Features:
    - Makes the UV-lamp from "Will-o'-the-Wisps updated" an inlaid/flat lamp from
      "Schall Lamp Contrast" (default if both mods are installed) or "Inlaid Lamps Extended".

      This mod changes not only the appearance of the UV-lamp, you can now also drive any
      vehicle over it without causing damage.

  Minor Features:
    - Fixed position of circuit wire connections and their shadows. (Schall Lamp Contrast)
    - Quadrupled amount of ingredients in recipe as well as crafting time, max health, and energy usage for 2x2 Flat Lamp -- the big lamp is 4 times as big as the small lamp, but both had identical values. (Inlaid Lamps Extended)
    - Made UV-lamp recipe require a small inlaid lamp instead of the vanilla lamp. (Inlaid Lamps Extended)

    - English
Version: 0.17.1
Date: 2019-06-14T22:01:00+02:00
    - Fixed graphics for default UV-lamp: red/green wires didn't connect to connectors properly. This fix will only have an effect if none of the inlaid lamps mods is active! This fix will be removed once it's not needed anymore. (Will-o'-the-Wisps updated)
    - Removed fix for shadows of circuit wire connections; it has been applied in Schall Lamp Contrast 0.17.1, so there's no need to keep it here. (Schall Lamp Contrast)
Version: 0.17.2
Date: 2019-06-15T11:04:00+02:00
    - Fixed typo that prevented loading the mod if Inlaid Lamps Extended was active.
Version: 0.17.3
Date: 2019-09-28T15:05:00+02:00
    - Fixed desync in multiplayer if this mod was active

    - Optimized code
    - Added German localization for this mod
    - Added German localization and reworked the English localizations for Will-o'-the-Wisps
      (Will be removed once it's included there)
    - Added thumbnail

    - German
Version: 0.18.0
Date: 2020-02-16T09:45:00+02:00
    - Update for Factorio 0.18

    - "Will-o'-the-Wisps updated" hasn't been updated yet. I've released a copy of it that's ready for Factorio 0.18, as suggested by the previous owner. (

    - "Inlaid Lamps Extended" hasn't been updated to Factorio 0.18 yet, so it can't be used for the time being. I've adjusted the dependency on "Inlaid Lamps Extended" so that "Inlaid UV-lamp" will work with it again as soon as is updated. In the meantime, I suggest using "Schall Lamp Contrast" instead, which already has been updated about a month ago.

    - Simplified code a bit.
    - This mod now depends on "Will-o-the-Wisps_updated-2" instead of "Will-o-the-Wisps_updated".
Version: 0.18.1
Date: 2020-03-17T10:50:00+02:00
    - Removed localizations for "Will-o-the-Wisps_updated". Now that I've released an update for that mod, it makes more sense to include it there directly. Sorry for making you update twice in such a short time!
Version: 0.18.2
Date: 2020-04-07T10:01:00+02:00
    - All changes are also available for Factorio 0.17 (0.17.4).

  Supported mods:
    - Added support for ownlyme's "Inlaid Lamps 2".

    - Improved a lot of the code. With only 2 inlaid lamp mods supported, the old code worked, but "Inlaid Lamps Extended" and "Inlaid Lamps 2" are very similar, so it made sense to make the code more general. This should also make it easier to add support for other mods in the future.

    - Changes to "Will-o-the-Wisps_updated":
      * Increased maximum health of UV-lamp by factor 1.5. UV-lamps require a lamp + iron as ingredients, so they should be more durable than normal lamps.
      * Added "Alien biotechnology" (unlocks Alien flora sample) and "Solar energy" (unlocks UV-lamp) to prerequisites of "Combat robotics" (which unlocks the Will-o'-the-wisp lantern).
      * Removed technology "laser" from prerequisites of "combat-robotics-2" (redundant because it's already required by "Combat robotics" via "Alien biotechnology").

    - Changes to "Inlaid Lamps Extended":
      * 2x2 Inlaid lamps are 4 times as expensive to make as normal inlaid lamps (amount of ingredients and crafting time).
      * Energy usage, maximum health, and mining time of 2x2 Inlaid lamps are 4 times higher than those of normal inlaid lamps.
      * Added "Inlaid Lamps" to prerequisites of Solar energy (which unlocks the UV-lamp).
      * Removed technology "optics" from prerequisites of "solar-energy" (redundant because it's already required by "Inlaid Lamps").

    - Changes to "Inlaid Lamps 2":
      * All of the changes to "Inlaid Lamps Extended" are also applied to this mod.
      * Decreased crafting time in normal mode from 8s to 2s. (In expensive mode, it's still 8s.)

  Minor Features:
    - Added difficulty (normal/expensive mode) to recipes from all supported mods. Amount of ingredients (except for lamps/inlaid lamps/UV-lamps and constant combinators) as well as crafting time are doubled in expensive mode.
Version: 0.18.3
Date: 2020-04-25T17:10:00+02:00
    - All changes are also available for Factorio 0.17 (0.17.5).

    - Made handling of recipe ingredients safer. This fixes crashes on start-up when other mods had changed ingredients so that they were in an unexpected format.
    - Fixed crashes related to removal of technology prerequisites.
Version: 0.18.4
Date: 2020-04-25T23:15:00+02:00
    - Added hidden optional dependency on "Krastorio 2", so its ingredients will be used in the recipes of lamps and inlaid lamps.
Version: 0.18.5
Date: 2020-05-02T08:19:00+02:00
    - Fixed migration scripts to avoid crashes when the player starts an in-game mini-tutorial.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-09-02T23:25:00+02:00
    - Update for Factorio 1.0!

    - Now that "Will-o'-the-Wisps updated" has been updated, I've removed the dependency on my temporary fork of that mod and replaced it with a dependency on the original mod again.
    - Updated dependency on "Inlaid Lamps Extended" as an update for Factorio 1.0 has been released for it as well.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2020-11-25T0:25:00+02:00
    - Update for Factorio 1.1
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2022-03-22T19:10:00+02:00

    - Removed redundant code (ownlyme's mod has not been updated for Factorio 1.1; I've already fixed the recipes for big inlaid lamps from "Inlaid Lamps Extended" on the other end; "Will-o'-the-Wisps" already fixed the wrong circuit-network wire connections some time ago).

    - Added settings that will only be available if "Inlaid Lamps Extended" is used. You now can keep the original UV-lamps from "Will-o'-the-Wisps" AND have inlaid UV-lamps. You also have the option to add big inlaid UV-lamps. (

    - If "Inlaid Lamps Extended" is active, inlaid UV-lamps will be moved to a new tech that depends on the original inlaid-lamps tech and solar panels.