Hello. This may relate to an earlier bug report by Mercury XIII (the bug report previous to this one). It pertains to version 1.0.12 of your mod, and Factorio 1.0.0.
Like MercuryXIII, I'm having issues with Improved Combinators that I copied via a blueprint. Issues:
1) The output nodes did not seem to be working when I copied them via blueprint. The conditions set up in the Combinators appear to have been copied correctly, but the output did not seem to be working.
2) The output nodes are undeleteable. Pics: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2229846617 and https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2229846349 (same view, first pic is in Alt-mode). This is immediately after deleting the two Improved Combinators. Only way to remove the node remnants was to deactivate your mod.
I do have the saved game of this event that I can send, if you think it would be helpful.
Hope you're able to track this issue down; I'm finding the mod to be quite useful. Let me know if I can provide you any additional information.
Thanks for your modding efforts,