
Speed across land and water in your own personal hovercraft, but watch out for trees! Now with Missiles!

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g .....there might be unexpected behavior...

6 years ago

things like every AAI vehicle is now able to cross water/lakes?
[not tested with vanilla car or tank]

it was kinda funny to see my chaingunnerfleet return to base as straight as possible...even over lakes and crossing cargo shiplines (3 got run over by a cargoship xD)
so maybe there is a problem with the combo of mods... but it was tooooo tempting, building waterways while sitting in a hovercraft.
can´t wait for testing the missile version as an AAI fleet MUHAHAHAHA

[honestley i play with all py mods, i need lowcost firepower to keep those biters away]

and at the end:
THANK YOU for this awesome mod and keep up the good work!
in combo with cargoships this is a MUST HAVE mod.

6 years ago

Good catch, this is partially fixed.. other AAI vehicles won't path over water, but right now neither will an autonomous hovercraft (AAI makes a ton of edits in data-updates).
Yeah, made the mod because ocean maps are basically impossible without it!

6 years ago

thanks for the quick patch ^^

(upside: no more "tankswimming" and tank killing cargoships, downside: when i call a hover per remote as a taxi...i´ll have to wait longer / no missilehover fleet)

6 years ago

Should be fixed now too. Enjoy the missile fleet!

6 years ago

OMG! thank you^^i´ll try it asap

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