Hive Mind

by Klonan

Take control of the biters and lead them to victory against the invading engineers.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i A way to build yourself from 0 like the Technicians can.

4 years ago

So, my friends and I are really big fans of this mod and always PVP each other, but our problem is, that if we make the early base of the hive too big, the hive will just overun the technician and if the hive is too small, the technicians will just overun the hive player. But when the hive overan the player, they could just gather resources from scratch and rebuild themselves. But as the hive, you can't rebuild your base without pressing "Leave hive and join hive"... But sadly, we set ourselves as rule that if someone abuses the fact that you get a new base by reswapping teams, he lost the match.
I have no idea how modding in factorio works but I suppose it should be similar like in other games.
So my suggestion is to build in a trigger for the Hive player that would look like this:
Total number of buildings from the Hiveplayer= (Here is the number of owned buildings from the hive player)
If the number is 0 then allow the hivemind to place 1 biter/spitter deployer for free without needing biters to run into it.
And then, from there, he can slowly build himself up again.
If something like this is possible, I would be very happy and my friends probably too! Thank you! :)

4 years ago

There is also the idea of making the hivemind able to "give birth" and produce solidiers himself as an Craftable for free or something like that.

4 years ago

Cool idea.

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