Heavy Oil Chemical Science deprecated

Chemical science simplified to require only heavy oil products. Oil processing gives only heavy oil and optional use of cracking.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Latest Version:
0.1.1 (5 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
7 users

Suggested alternative to the proposed oil processing changes in https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-304

With this mod, Chemical Science is made much more accessible with a reliable (non-deadlocking) setup immediately, while dealing with multi-output oil is still extremely advantageous (though no longer required).

Uses a startup mod-setting for Petroleum Gas being locked behind Advanced Oil Processing. Default OFF.


  • Basic Oil Processing produces only Heavy oil--inefficiently, encouraging switching to Advanced ASAP
  • Chemical science recipe requires only Heavy oil products
    • Electric engine introduces lubricant production and the assembler fluid input
    • Solid fuel introduces chemical plants item-output, and offers improved efficiency for starting to learn cracking 'early'
    • Red wire for the copper cost of current chemical science packs--while hinting to solve Advanced Oil Processing
  • Heavy to Light cracking is unlocked with Basic Oil Processing, but optional to use (as a hint)
  • By default: Light to Gas cracking is unlocked with Basic Oil Processing for further pursuit of oil if delaying Advanced Oil Processing research
  • Solid fuel moved from Oil Processing to Flammables (previously empty!)

UPDATE: Changes below will be from a mod setting to restrict light cracking to Advanced Oil.
Unsuitable due to a lack of distinction between various t1 and t2 products that would both land in the chemical science unlock tier.

Below is only active with the AOP-Gated Gas setting (Default OFF)

  • Petroleum Gas and dependent technologies/recipes are unlocked with Chemical Science
    • Advanced Oil Processing unlocks Petroleum Gas from its refinery recipe and:
      • Solid fuel from Gas recipe
      • Only Light->Gas cracking
    • Plastics and Sulfur Processing depend on Advanced Oil Processing instead of Basic
    • These now require Advanced Electronics instead of Chemical Science:
      • Uranium Processing
      • Electric Energy Distribution 2
      • Advanced Electronics 2
      • Advanced Material Processing 2
    • Low Density Structure requires Plastics