HeavyTank 2° Gen

Not just a tank, its a War-machine !!! 4 tiers of tanks and a lot of different stuff, like acid, fire, storm, piercing, cluster and nuclear heavy shells, rockets and bullets, and a lot of equipments to choose. >>>>READ THE CHANGELOG<<<<<

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Dude this is pretty awesome :) Im a little confused about how the armor works tho

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Provides shield hp but doesn't recharge? So do repair bots replenish the armor? Does the armor get damaged first and then the tanks hp?

I'm also a little confused about what's powering the turrets, says consumes equiment grid energy but mine are shooting despite me not having any form of energy generation in the tanks equip grid.. so im just wondering is it consuming my suit energy grid? or maybe the tanks fuel?

Im new to factorio, pretty close to losing my first game so i figured i'd test out some mods before restarting.

Great work and thanks for any info you might take the time to give me, sorry if the answers is obvious <3

3 years ago

Shields and Energy Turrets charge with some energy generator.
ARMORS and Gun Turrets from THIS Mod Dont recharge, instead, the first time you place on the vehicle grid they are charged to full capacity through Scripts/Code, they work until the energy is depleted, then you need to remove from the grid and craft again.

The logic is:
Armor - You place some steel plates over the tank, they get damaged, you remove and repair. Thats why the recipe has Repair Kits.
Gun Turrets - You place a Turret fully loaded on the tank, the turret shoots all bullets, you remove and reload. Thats why the recipe has Ammo.

But the game dont store the energy on equipments when you move or remove from the grid, because of this, you CANT move the Armors or Turrets after placing then, doing so, the equipment will lose all charge and will need to be Repaired/Reloaded by crafting again.

The ONLY exception is the 2 Nano Repaired Armors, they start empty and slowly "repair" itself using a lot of time and energy. Will also lose the charge if moved.

The mechanics of Shields/Armor are quite simple, when you get hit, you lose Shield/Armor until is depleted, after that, you start losing Health. That is true for every shield in the game. But is not exactly extra health, shields dont have any resistance, for exemple, tanks have very high resistance to impact, running over rocks will deal low or zero damage to the tank, but will deal full damage against shields.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

About the Suit Energy.
No, the grids are completely independent from one another. energy turrets on Tank Grid will Only use energy stored/generated on the Tank Grid.

Don't be fooled by the turrets on your personal grid, they still can shoot inside vehicles, including trains and tanks, dont ask me how....

3 years ago

Since you are new in Factorio, i should tell you that this mod is Insane Overpower when using on vanilla enemies.
The mod is intended to use with other mods that expands enemies strength and numbers.
I use mods that spawn biters with more than 50k health and spawn bases on every inch of land.

3 years ago

That answers all of my questions thank you very much for the detailed response.

And yea I got the impression the the mod spotlight video I saw the mod in that it was way op for vanilla. For the sake of trying it out Im just using the T1 tank and not really doing any upgrades just learning how it works. Definitely not letting myself use it to win this game.

Really impressed with how you've implemented this - all the crafting requirements and research and equipment, it really feels like it fits right into the game design perfectly. So thanks also for making my factorio even better and for all the hard work you've no doubt put into this. :)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Try to win the game on Vanilla first, maybe deactivate enemies. The first time is very hard, too many things. Then a couple of times.
After that, if you want to spice the game, download all Bobs mods, makes the game a lot more challenging by adding a lot more complexity and realism. For exemple, Chips requires Resistors, Transistors, Solder, Boards... The mods also add a lot more ores, like Lead, Tin, Zinc, Titanium, Tungsten.

New response