Ghost On Water

This mod adds the ability to place ghosts (blueprints) on water or in space (space exploration). Ghost Landfill/Space Scaffolding is automatically added once a blueprint has been placed on water. Usage: press control + w while holding a blueprint to make it placeable on water, then simply place it on water.

1 year, 4 months ago

b Incompatible with AAI Programmable Vehicles

1 year, 8 months ago

When you have this and AAI Programmable Vehicles on at the same time, it causes the APV Vehicle Depot to be inaccessible to the player--inserters can manipulate it, but circuits and the GUI don't work.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

It's a known issue, it's caused by the selection priority beeing meesed up (the vehcile depot is actually multiple entiys with the same selection priority, collision mask is used as a tie breaker, which my mod changes so it breaks it), might be better for this to be changed in AAI, rather then me overriding it. Anyways It might take a while until I fix it if AAI dosn't.

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