Frozen World

Stuck on an ice world with seas of methane and and an ammonia atmosphere. The only organic material on the planet appears to be a vicious native animal! Can you survive long enough to escape?

Mod packs
3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Updates?

5 years ago

Is this mod dead or will it ever be updated in any way again?

4 years ago

0.17 update?

3 years ago

Good news folks, I'm not dead! I have finished my PhD and am now available to occasionally maintain this!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Good news folks, I'm not dead! I have finished my PhD and am now available to occasionally maintain this!

Welcome back and congratulations on a PhD!

I just installed mod but I'm scratching my head here trying to start the playthrough. First map everything was shallow water and couldn't build anything, second I made sure to get started on land but cannot figure out how to actually do anything since the water is methane and I cannot find any recipes to use it. Coal and wood and wood pellets cannot be used as fuel but I did find a small patch of ice! :)

What am I missing here?? What is used for fuel?

EDIT: Seems the Ice patch I found is the key to my troubles. Let me expand off this very small patch I found and I'll return if I experience anymore hang-ups.

3 years ago

Yeah, those are the challenges of this pack. Except the land all being shallow water, that's a bug which I thought I'd fixed.

I'm going to modify the tutorial research tree to make it a bit more obvious what you should do in the start, and tweak the generation of ice (which should be the only ore, but plentiful).

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

So, I'm trying to make the circuit board, but I can't figure out how to get cellulose fiber. What am I missing?

Edit: nevermind. I didn't see the green algae -> fibers craft

New response