Fog of war Remover

Selection tool for map revealing; satellite map monitoring

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Satellite requirement.

5 years ago

Why not lock this behind satellite launches as a special bonus launching one. Especially since the devs said they're reworking end game mechanics in 0.17.

5 years ago

Looked at the code. Then you could make it infinite use with satellite launches.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Nice idea, free for use after first satellite lunch. But it costs at least one radar before the first one.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

it's also possible to set up a cooldown-timer within control lua.
when the player uses the fog remover, start a timer for 30 minutes, if the player tries to use it again before the cooldown is finished, don't run the script that reveals the map, but instead print to the chat bar "satellite orbitting other side of planet Nauvis. Satellite out of range for scanning. You may scan again in mm:ss"

5 years ago

Orbital Ion Cannon has a queue mechanic based on the number of cannons you have in orbit. Dunno how much you want to copy or do if you'd rather do your own thing, but it's an idea.

Also if you have just one cool down more satellites could reduce the cool down instead.

5 years ago

I'm thinking about another satellite scanning system. One satellite can scan one area every 5 minutes. More satellites - lower time between updating, more areas - more time between updating. Choosing scanning area will be based on chart tags.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Geostationary orbit is much easier.

So it looks like

5 years ago

Whoa I didn't even know that was a possibility. That's brilliant!

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