Fluid Level Indicator

Numerical display showing the fluid/gas level in a system.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [Done] Taller fluid indicators for Bob's Logistics?

1 year, 16 days ago

Hi. I saw that you added support for K2's steel pipes recently, and I was wondering if you could do the same for Bob's Logistics pipes. A few updates ago, a new setting for Bigger Pipes was added, which makes the more advanced ones a lot taller, so the normal fluid indicator doesn't work for them. There's a lot of them, but only a few height levels. It goes like this:

Height 1: Iron/copper/stone pipes
Height 1.5: Bronze/steel pipes
Height 2.25: Brass/plastic pipes
Height 3.25: Titanium/ceramic/tungsten pipes
Height 5: Nitinol/copper-tungsten pipes

Thanks in advance if you do find the time for this.

1 year, 14 days ago

Hi, I will look into this, it is a lot of entities, it will take some time probably!

1 year, 13 days ago

I hope it won't be necessary to make new entities for every kind of pipe. Just steel, plastic, titanium, and nitinol should be enough.

11 months ago

Finished, hopefully it works fine, if you find any problems with it, please let me know. :)

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

There's a problem with one of the recipes requiring "nitinol-plate" instead of "nitinol-alloy". And one other small thing, I noticed the Mk4 and Mk5 indicator technologies cost fewer science packs (50) than Mk2 and Mk3 (75 and 120 respectively). Other than that, it seems to be working exactly as intended. Thank you much.

11 months ago

Thanks for the feedback. Uhh, nice catching the nitinol alloy mistake! (I only tested it in cheat mode as I never played Bobs mod before.)

I agree with the cost being lower and have slightly changed the price of MK3, but I left MK4 as it was. I feel that it would be out of balance if I made it more expensive, as it needs more science packs anyway.

New response