Fluid Level Indicator

Numerical display showing the fluid/gas level in a system.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [Done] Suggestion for Space Exploration

2 years ago

Hey, I'm playing Space Exploration mod and found out that Fluid level indicator can't be placed in space. It's an easy fix, just add ".se_allow_in_space = true" in the prototype field. I actually did it myself and it works fine in space. However, to make it easier for future updates, I'd really appreciate it if you could add this small feature to the mod. Thanks a lot for making such great mods!

2 years ago

Hey, thanks for testing it in SE, I was going to add support at some point, but haven't yet had the time yet to fully test it. I have added support now with the new release (that also fixes the alt-mode icon problem). As I still have only done just a quick test, please let me know if you encounter any issues with it in SE. Thanks and please keep suggestions coming I appreciate it :)

1 year, 28 days ago

Now that support for K2 Steel Pipes was added, I was going to politely request SE support for space pipes, as well.
Seems like it's already been suggested :D

Any chance this could be formally added in a future update like you did recently for K2 Steel Pipes?

1 year, 27 days ago
(updated 1 year, 27 days ago)

Yes, it was already added! You should be able to build both the normal indicators and the K2 steel ones in space already.

New response