Flat Solar Panels - Solar Freakin' Roadway

Adds retractable or always flat solar panels that you can walk on.

7 months ago

g Don't load (probably solar productivity mod)

7 months ago


Error on load
21.005 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Error while running setup for entity prototype "sp-1-solar-panel" (solar-panel): next_upgrade target (solar-panel-2) must have the same collision mask.
Probably solar productivity mod incompatible (not sure) https://mods.factorio.com/mod/solar-productivity

7 months ago

Neither of those entities are created or modified by my mod, so I'm guessing the issue is on Solar Productivity's side, but I'll take a look later.

7 months ago

The problem is i added your mod today and got this error. Disabled - no error. :)

7 months ago

Huh. I'll take a look.

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

I just installed both and didn't have any issues. "solar-panel-2" isn't from either mods, though. Do you have any other mods that affect solar panels? Or want to share your save with me?

7 months ago

It also looks like Solar Productivity is not compatible with Flat Solar, so you won't get the productivity bonus even if it loads. I made some changes to support this but it'll require some updates to Solar Productivity as well. I posted in their discussion about this.

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