is there any difference to the mod "Merging Chests" by Atria ( ?
except of course, that this mod is lacking any description (also any hint on being related/derived from another mod), while it uses the same icon for the mod portal, the same version number, and claims to be 3 years newer than that other mod !?
from the internal name "fixWideChests" (instead of "WideChests"), one can guess that this mod fixes some problems/bugs of the other mod, but please mention that there is another original mod, what was fixed in this version, and why you had to do it instead of letting the author fix it (that mod doesn't look abandoned to me since it was updated a month ago), and give some more details on the info page to not make it look like a simple copy of the original mod.
since both mods show the license "MIT" on the mod portal, and NEITHER of them has included a copy of the license text and/or the copyright notice in the zip file, and both have the same original author listed in the info.json, it wouldn't be "illegal", but still looks a little strange.
ps: i had a first look at the contents of the zip file, and the only difference that i could see is that the original limits width and height to 42 each (a useful value, considering that a train with 6 wagons can unload to 36 chests with a width or height of 41 chests; maybe 43 could also be useful to also cover one additional chest for fueling the engine from that wide chest) and limits the area to 1600 (strange, 1600 would be 40x40 ?) while this new version limits width and height to 10000 chests and keeps the area limited at 1600 which doesn't make sense.
IF the area is still 1600, at most width=1600 and height=1600 sound plausible to me, and even that would already mean that you allow one single chest to extend to FIFTY CHUNKS ....
but since lots of hidden recipes/items are automatically generated for all possible wide chests, already 42x42 is a large number and 10000² = 100 million recipes might cause lots of lag and crash lots of computers that don't have enough ram. and even an area of "only" 1600²= 2.56 million chests/recipes looks quite excessive :-)