Fast Logistics

Make Logistics FAST with FAST Logistics. Multiply Logistics Speeds by up to 128 for all Logistics Structures.

5 days ago
Logistics Cheats

g Hi!

5 days ago
(updated 5 days ago)

The recent update (0.0.3) will be the last one for a bit. I know it has been a while since the last update (0.0.2) but i am now working on a new version of the mod - a rewrite of the original. These versions will be labelled as 2.x.x and may take a bit longer, as i am also working on a rewrite for FFR and may or may not be working on new mods for the FAS (Faster Automation Systems) mod collection. (as I am now calling it) I thank you all for your time, all 125 people who downloaded this mod so far.

New response