Factory Search

Search your factory for items, fluids, entities, signals, tags and more with Shift + F. Displays a list of matching buildings: clicking on a result opens it in the map. Supports Space Exploration (works across all surfaces). Control + Shift + Click on almost anything (e.g. built entity, inventory item, recipe) to open the search with that item selected. Similar to BeastFinder and Where is it Made?

29 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b X key not working in 2.0?

a month ago

I used to use this mod in 1.1, and just recently playing again with 2.0. It looks like the "Press X to highlight location" functionality doesn't work anymore. But at least clicking on the search result icons does highlight the locations (albeit in the map view).

a month ago

That is bound to right-click by default. If you’ve rebound it to X then maybe 2.0 has some new X keybind that is conflicting,

a month ago

Ah I see! Yes, I remapped Mine to X and I remapped Clear Cursor to Right-click. Apparently that somehow is affecting your mod as well. Weird!

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Update: It looks like only the tooltip is bugged. Right-clicking on the search result still highlights the location as it should. It's just that the tooltip says to press whatever key the Mine functionality is mapped to for some reason.

New response