Factory Search

Search your factory for items, fluids, entities, signals, tags and more with Shift + F. Displays a list of matching buildings: clicking on a result opens it in the map. Supports Space Exploration (works across all surfaces). Control + Shift + Click on almost anything (e.g. built entity, inventory item, recipe) to open the search with that item selected. Similar to BeastFinder and Where is it Made?

4 months ago

g Space Exploration Meteorites

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Hi. It's entirely possible that I'm simply an idiot, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use this mod to find Space Exploration's Meteorites.
The reason that I believe that this should be possible -- and where I may be misunderstanding something -- is that the Deconstruction Planner has the ability to specify the various different types of meteorites under "Environment" but the only thing that this mod can search for under "Environment" is rocks and trees (including modded such as from "Alien Biomes").
It is entirely possible that I simply do not understand the specifics of how the search is performed - such as searching for the resulting product of "mining" the entity - but given some of the things that are searchable this seems unlikely (I could still easily be misunderstanding something).

Anyway, the reason I want to be able to search for these specifically is because they yield useful resources and drop randomly around the map, and, while there is an alert notification for them when they first appear, this notification doesn't remain for very long and the console/chat log doesn't scroll (or, at least, I don't know of any way to scroll it -- and, regardless, it would still list the meteorites that I had already collected).

There is also the possibility that I'm simply missing something obvious (I wouldn't be surprised). If that's the case please let me know.

Thank you. This is an extremely useful mod that I can't play without and I'm sure many others would agree.

Edit: So, I decided to try and see what would happen if I used the hotkey to search for "selected item" on a meteorite. It does a search for stone. I then tried for the "car" I was in, it searched for "car"; and I tried a nearby "tree," it searched for that specific "tree." So, and again, it's entirely possible that I'm simply misunderstanding something, it seems like the search function is assuming (one of) the results from "mining" the object, rather than the object as a whole. I believe (emphasis on 'believe') that it should be possible to search for the entity instead of the 'yield' since it's possible to select it in a "Deconstruction Planner," but could easily be wrong since I know neither how the search function works, nor how the "Deconstruction Planner" works.

Edit 2: I then decided to see if using the results from "selected item" would bring up any of the meteorites. I cycled through all of the possible options (check boxes). I thought maybe the "entity" would find them, but it only showed stone ore patches.

a month ago

I have a second, slightly unrelated request. The mod uses Space Exploration's Navigation Satellite Uplink's interface to view the location if SE is installed and a satellite has been launched. Would it be possible to create a toggle to enable/disable this and just use the regular map feature.

My reason for this request is that the "history" for the Uplink is difficult to manage at best and things being added/removed is not well explained (although easy enough to figure out with little experimentation). If I'm looking at Planet (surface) A and do a search within that surface the "jump" to the location if I click to view it will remove any links I have in my "history" for the Satellite Uplink. To be slightly more specific: If I have Surface 1, Surface 2 and Surface 3 in my history, and I go back to Surface 1 using the history buttons, then do a search and click to view the location, Surface 2 and Surface 3 will be wiped and the new location will replace them. (this includes all locations ahead of the one being viewed)
If, instead, there was a button to toggle using Vanilla Map versus SE's Uplink then I would be able to simply use the map and not have to reset my, I suppose you could call it "favorites" but since that exists already I won't... It would even be possible to simply tie it into the "All Surfaces" toggle since disabling this means you are only searching the currently viewed surface (or planet).

I can certainly understand if you don't want to implement this feature, but it would be very nice to not have to go through and reset my easy access to specific locations each time I do a quick search for something. (Right now I only have three surfaces I need to pay attention to, but I'm also relatively early game...)
And, yes, I know that there are "Pins" to easily jump to specific locations, but this requires opening the "all pins" window and clicking them in order - and the order they appear changes when your character moves to a different surface...

a month ago

Sorry for the late response!

In general, doing an "Entity" search for anything that a meteorite contains should find the meteorite. However, currently all entities of type "simple-entity", which means rocks, and presumably meteorites too, are excluded from this search. I don't remember exactly why but I think it is because normally if you are searching for "stone" you only want stone resource patches and don't care about manually mineable rocks. I don't think I'll be re-adding it for the same reason, but if you want to edit your local copy, you can remove the prototype.type ~= "simple-entity" condition from control.lua (but you'll then have to trigger on_configuration_changed by incrementing FS's version or adding/removing/updating another mod).

That's a concern that I haven't heard before, sorry to hear that. It did originally work the way you described but I changed it for consistency and because I thought that in general it was much more useful to view an area in navsat once it is unlocked (https://github.com/tburrows13/FactorySearch/commit/38edc6fb7f99876623624a42176269573aa611b7). I'm afraid that I won't be adding an option for this since in just 5 weeks time 2.0 will launch, navsat will (presumably) be no more, and we will have the most wondrous fully featured remote view instead. Which FS will of course fully support.

a month ago

Thank you for your reply.
I understand your decision(s). And didn't know that the expansion was adding something similar to navsat (I should have figured, but only started following it recently, so...).

One thing I am confused about though is that I have the ability to "entity search" for "environment" entities, but this only adds rocks and trees (from base game and alien biomes). If this isn't added by you (or I missed something), then may it be because I also use Krastorio which adds a way to create these entities?

New response