Factory Search

Search your factory for items, fluids, entities, signals, tags and more with Shift + F. Displays a list of matching buildings: clicking on a result opens it in the map. Supports Space Exploration (works across all surfaces). Control + Shift + Click on almost anything (e.g. built entity, inventory item, recipe) to open the search with that item selected. Similar to BeastFinder and Where is it Made?

2 months ago

i [Won't add] Find seperate electric networks

6 months ago

To improve UPS I am on the hunt for unconnected electric poles and other entities on separate networks. Do you think that this is something you could add to the mod? This forum thread seems to contain a solution on how to implement this: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=63081

6 months ago

https://mods.factorio.com/mod/puppy-ups-tools this mod can already do that (I think the UI is based off mine anyway!)

6 months ago

Thank you,
I'll give that a shot!

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