Factory Search

Search your factory for items, fluids, entities, signals, tags and more with Shift + F. Displays a list of matching buildings: clicking on a result opens it in the map. Supports Space Exploration (works across all surfaces). Control + Shift + Click on almost anything (e.g. built entity, inventory item, recipe) to open the search with that item selected. Similar to BeastFinder and Where is it Made?

2 months ago

g [Completed] Search for signal source ingnores miners

10 months ago

Basically, title. I had a miner connected to wires emitting entire resource patch leftovers, but forgot where i had it. So, tried to search for it using your mode and unfortunately, it doesn't show miners :(.

10 months ago

Thanks for asking - indeed miners are the one entity type for which I have not implemented signal search yet. Now that I know people are actually wanting to search for them, I'll try and get around to it at some point :)

5 months ago

Done in the next version :)

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