Factory Search

Search your factory for items, fluids, entities, signals, tags and more with Shift + F. Displays a list of matching buildings: clicking on a result opens it in the map. Supports Space Exploration (works across all surfaces). Control + Shift + Click on almost anything (e.g. built entity, inventory item, recipe) to open the search with that item selected. Similar to BeastFinder and Where is it Made?

29 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Allow setting of temporary train stops

1 year, 9 months ago

I've been using this mod for quite a while now and I can't imagine doing any type of modded playthrough without it. There's one thing though that keeps tripping me up.

Quite often I'll be in a train while I'm looking for where I'm producing, consuming or storing an item. When I find the spot that I'm looking for, I want to send myself and my train over there, but the interface won't accept a temporary train stop. I have to zoom out, locate the spot in my base, exit out of the search result map view and then try and find it again in the actual map view.

If there is any way to make this work it would be greatly appreciated.

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