Factory Search

Search your factory for items, fluids, entities, signals, tags and more with Shift + F. Displays a list of matching buildings: clicking on a result opens it in the map. Supports Space Exploration (works across all surfaces). Control + Shift + Click on almost anything (e.g. built entity, inventory item, recipe) to open the search with that item selected. Similar to BeastFinder and Where is it Made?

4 months ago

i [Completed] Total Volume / Items per second for each category.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Could you add a total volume amount for each category in the Factory Search window? The mod's current tools are incredibly useful for finding locations for specific items and assemblers, but if there was any way to read the total production per second from assemblers, as well as total volume in storage and requested, it could be incredibly helpful in spotting and preventing bottlenecks.

Even further, since the mod subgroups collections of assemblers/storage spaces by their location, it would be even better to have similar info displayed for each grouped subcategory.

Bonus note: The possibilities for your code automatically grouping subcategories of assemblers by location and product is quite endless. The idea of a mod that sub-grouped assembly arrays and gave readouts on productivity automatically would be unimaginably helpful.

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions, I'm wary of too much feature creep but I think I could work the total counts in cleanly.

Even further, since the mod subgroups collections of assemblers/storage spaces by their location, it would be even better to have similar info displayed for each grouped subcategory.

Doesn't it already have that in the tooltips? Except for the total production per second, which I assume is possible to add (despite depending on modules/beacons).

1 year, 7 months ago

Would love the total counts feature

6 months ago


New response