Factory Search

Search your factory for items, fluids, entities, signals, tags and more with Shift + F. Displays a list of matching buildings: clicking on a result opens it in the map. Supports Space Exploration (works across all surfaces). Control + Shift + Click on almost anything (e.g. built entity, inventory item, recipe) to open the search with that item selected. Similar to BeastFinder and Where is it Made?

4 months ago

i Search Library

2 years ago


I am contributor for BeastFinder and plan on working on my own search mod that takes a different UI-approach Foogle. The first thing I plan on doing is creating a search library mod that both mods can use as a dependency. It should cover all required search queries and handle multiplayer and multi-surface, as well as offer some performance optimisations (spread search over several ticks etc) and fix open issues with BeastFinders algorithm.

Would you be interested in using or participating to such a library mod?

I plan to build a house this year, so I will be pretty occupied. I would either start working on this this summer if there is some time before the construction start or around february, once it is done.

2 years ago

Hello, thanks for getting in touch!

The search library sounds like an interesting project, I'd be interested in staying in the loop, but I doubt that I'd want to get too involved. (You are of course, welcome to use any code from this mod). I'm quite happy with the current functionality and performance in this mod and I don't have many plans for improving it in the future (optional grouping of different entity names together to go with the 'expanded' UI, and maybe item-on-ground search at some point).

It already supports multiplayer and multisurface, and I think that (in single-player at least) I don't mind it just doing the search in a single tick. If you're requesting the search then you probably just want it to complete as soon as possible. I can see an argument that this isn't ideal in multiplayer, so I'd certainly consider adding support for spreading search over several ticks, but it wasn't worth the significantly increased development complexity whilst I was making it.

2 years ago

I see. I will let you know once it is in a usable state. Your mod will definitely be an inspiration on how to do it.

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