Hi, MagmaMcFry, I love this mod, and use it in almost every game, now. I'm getting an error with another mod, and the author insists that it's your mod missing an event trigger.
I posted this error on Klonan's Construction Drones mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Construction_Drones/discussion/5df8434fd179e6000c63f38f), as I'm getting an "ERROR: unbound factory building" message when I create a ghost of a factory building and allow a Construction Drone to place the factory, then try to enter the factory. Klonan says that your mod may not be listening for the script_raised_revive event. I don't get the error when I use built-in construction bots or the Nanobots mod. I'm not sure how to get this addressed...
Would you please weigh in, since you know your code? Thanks, both for your help and the awesome mod!