Factorio Power Redux

by gmyx

Adds Solarpannels and Accumulators MK 1-8 Adds Electric Boilers. Formely Luzivras Factorio Power Updated for 1.0, fixing many bugs

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Careful when Nerfing

3 years ago

If you nerf, make sure recipe is rebalanced. The point of this mod is to lower UPS costs of massive power systems, if you nerf the highers tiers, that would negate the point of the mod.

3 years ago

Having just finished a play through, I'm quite happy with the current state. It might be low for mega-bases. I think the steam engines are nearly useless nut should be able to tweak them. The only major change I want to do is the science needed in the latter stages. I had a really good science setup and the requirements kill it. It will have the same total requirements but rebalanced.

3 years ago

The loss of power is so phenomenally exponential it hurts. 30kw loss for every single craft of Mk2's. 17% overall loss on just the first craft means one Mk8 is 6561 Mk1's each losing 65 MW of power on just that step.

3 years ago

I see what you mean. I don't want it to be a 100% equivalent. It has to cost something to fit more in the same space. I would bump up the outputs.

1 year, 3 months ago

Just came back to factorio after a very long time and was going to use Luzivras since I never liked that solar uses so much space, and that mod allows dedicating just a chunk tomsolar and keep upgrading the panels for more power - even for a megabase. More cost (like in vanilla) but not more space.

Then I saw that you were fixing the bugs and considered using yours instead. But... I see you went for a nerf of the upper tiers so that it now also tops off at around 1000x vanilla like all other solar mods.

Given that you removed the one thing that made Luzivras unique I am curious, what makes this solar mod different/better than the others in its current flavor? I ask because all things being equal the natural tendency would be to go with the mod that has the highest downloads (currently that is Advanced Solar HR, that maxes out a'so at 1000x), so I am guessing that there is something that makes yours better even if I don't see it.

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