Factorio Earth deprecated

by hyspeed

**NOTE**: I have released Cities of Earth 2 (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/CitiesOfEarth2) which doesn't need this mod. (I should probably deprecate both of them.) :) Mod that changes the world generation to be a map of Earth. This mod only overrides the generated tiles. Ore, biters, trees and other entities will still be randomly generated.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i How about the ores?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Its too hard to generate the ore and oil patches like the world ones? (I know that its impossible to figure out exactly the area of real world patches because...reasons, but could be good and funny to rush arabia to collect oil and give the biters the FREEDOM...lol)

4 years ago

Hi, I gave that some thought. Each city starts with a set of ores.
But I've left the random part as it is. The Odder has a comment that using different ore generation really messes up the positions because so much of the surface is water.
However, I do want to figure out a way to 'de-scale' the resources as a function of distance from first spawn. They get crazy big up in Russia.
Also, I had a really hard time keeping the biters to a reasonable power for distant spawns.

4 years ago

And there is the exponentially generated ores and biters: higher the distance is more ores but...i dont know if is an seed or map that fixes it

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

That is possible in sandbox i know, but i dont want to make the whole map by myself (at least one time i can)

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