Editing the functiosn to be able to exit if the recipe is a nil fixed the crashes.
Avatars = "0.5.11",
["Big-Monsters"] = "0.18.17",
Bottleneck = "0.11.4",
ConcurrentTrainRestriction = "0.2.8",
CorpseFlare = "0.1.6",
CursorUpgradeCarousel = "1.1.0",
["Deadlock-AAII-bridge"] = "0.2.18",
DeadlockCrating = "1.6.0",
DelayedRegen = "0.18.5",
DiscoScience = "1.0.2",
Dont_lose_in_progress_ingredients = "1.0.2",
EnhancedFlashlight = "0.1.4",
Everbuild = "0.9.2",
FNEI = "0.3.4",
["Factorio-Tiberium-Beta"] = "0.1.4",
["Flow Control"] = "3.0.6",
FluidMustFlow = "1.2.8",
["Hazard-Lights"] = "18.0.6",
["Hazard-Lights-Auto-Lights"] = "18.0.3",
["Hazard-Lights-Selection-Tool"] = "18.0.4",
["Induction Charging"] = "1.6.2",
K2_Turrets = "0.0.2",
LSlib = "2020.7.4",
Mining_Drones = "0.3.23",
ModuleInserter = "5.0.7",
MushroomCloud = "1.0.14",
NextGenEvolution = "1.0.0",
NicerFuelGlow = "1.0.12",
Peppermint_Mining = "2.1.3",
["Portable-Turret"] = "0.2.5",
["QoL-TempStations"] = "0.5.5",
RaiLuaLib = "0.2.8",
RealisticReactorGlow = "1.18.7",
Robot_Battery_Research = "0.2.0",
SchallAlienMutation = "0.18.1",
SchallCombatRobotics = "0.18.0",
SchallEndgameEvolution = "0.18.4",
SchallPrimaryBattery = "0.18.1",
SchallRailwayController = "0.18.1",
SchallRechargingWeapon = "0.18.2",
Shortcuts = "0.7.4",
Tapeline = "1.1.3",
TinyStart = "0.18.5",
Total_Automization = "0.2.4",
TrainSkipFulfilledStation = "0.1.8",
Transport_Drones = "0.7.9",
Unit_Control = "0.2.3",
VehicleSnap = "1.18.3",
WireShortcuts = "0.4.4",
WormAttack = "4.0.1",
["aaa-log-active-mods"] = "0.0.1",
["aai-industry"] = "0.4.14",
["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.3.11",
["adamo-contraptions"] = "0.1.1",
["adamo-nuclear"] = "0.2.2",
["adamo-physics"] = "0.1.0",
["advanced-combinator"] = "0.18.0",
["alien-biomes"] = "0.5.5",
base = "0.18.36",
["bullet-trails"] = "0.5.1",
["burner-fuel-bonus"] = "0.18.3",
circuitissimo = "0.1.3",
clock = "0.18.2",
["da-calc"] = "0.18.6",
["deadlock-beltboxes-loaders"] = "2.3.5",
["deadlock-stacking-icon-update"] = "0.1.0",
["eve-weaponry"] = "0.7.0",
flib = "0.1.5",
["floating-damage-text"] = "18.0.0",
["gas-boiler"] = "0.0.5",
["gas-generator"] = "0.0.2",
["grappling-gun"] = "0.2.6",
heat_glow = "0.18.1",
helmod = "0.10.25",
informatron = "0.1.8",
jetpack = "0.1.19",
laser_fix = "0.18.12",
laserlines = "0.2.0",
["no-wall-repair"] = "0.0.3",
["production-monitor"] = "0.18.3",
["regenerate-terrain"] = "0.2.1",
["train-pubsub"] = "0.6.20",
uranium_geiger = "0.3.0",
vehicle_physics = "0.18.3",
["vtk-cannon-turret"] = "1.11.0",
zzz_fix_your_shit = "0.18.22"