Let just enjoy Poober's slurping sound.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Augmented or new ways of transporting materials - belts, inserters, pipes!
But I'm so looking forward to Poober's reaction when this gets quietly slipped into their Death Race modlist.
Are we too mean to her?
Only history will be able to judge...
I got so used to hearing it in the series, that the game doesn't sound right without it. XD Kinda a shame I just recently updated game version and remembered this was a thing.
And now we need poober screaming added to this :-)
XD Agreed. But what would be the trigger action? Hmmm, maybe replace gun turret sounds with her "NOPE"ing her way out of danger?
I was thinking the "one of your buildings is taking damage" sound.
That... that's actually perfect. XD I had totally forgot that had a sound.