Frostpunk Theme in Factorio deprecated

Adds special entities which can allow player to run a Frostpunk like theme. Sets up world to make it look like Frostpunk with many elements.

2 months ago
7 months ago
Latest Version:
2.0.0 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
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108 users


this is a mod for Factorio game, and tries to setup environment and rules similar to Frostpunk game. it changes some critical stuff about power generation and limits player to use low power options and exploration.

ABSOLUTELY NEW GAME NEEDED, or this will not work. check settings also

the main idea is to generate special craters with a furnace inside it. these craters are handmade manually and they are around 16 charts size. the cliffs allow only two or three entries for now (I build them like that to fit Frostpunk which also had similar idea). of course powerful tools like spidertron allows entry with passing over cliffs.

the main intention of mod was to allow player to play in a limited feature set. the main limitation of the world is power. there is SBG (SimpleBurnerGenerator) and the furnaces in craters only. SBG produces 2.4MW, and furnaces produce 12MW (upgradeable to 48+MW) power only. no water exists, ice ore melts into water. power limitation also prevents regular power generators of the game (solar, steam engine, nuclear). also large furnaces cannot be built, player must explore to find those craters, like remnants of old civilization who perished.

there is a way of improving power generation of the large furnaces and it allows infinite tech like thing as well but due to game engine limits it is not infinite. you can either improve power generation (+3MW) or fuel efficiency (%5 efficiency).

there is no new fuel in game, you simply burn anything that burns, like coal, solid fuel or nuclear fuel.

UNTESTED: the furnace spawning and some features work very well but this mod is not tested on a real game from scratch


player ends up in a frost world and he has to leave the planet but he does not have power options like original game. now he has to explore the map and find special furnaces and build his city around the furnace. win condition is same for first version. there is only one power option in addition to the furnaces mentioned but can produce a very low amount of power. furnaces cannot be mined, deconstructed etc. also furnaces only use burner fuel, so they generate big amount of pollution

the map shall spawn those massive furnaces inside craters, defended by indestructable cliffs.

biters could be one challenge but not necessary since power is a challenge now

Supplementary Mods

the mod shall put dependency on some mods on mod portal since the ambiance fits a lot.

  • Big Winter: (mandatory) almost absolute must. there is a problem with the mod though. it must prevent water generation for now, and mod provides this with option. either mod shall be replicated inside this mod or leave as an option which might fail in various places. not decided yet.
  • Ice Ore: (mandatory) since water shall not be around map (no lake, all supposed to be frozen), this mod shall be source of the water
  • Cold Biters: (optional) while it makes very good sense, it is not a must. might change
  • Theme Extensions: (optional) this shall be a supplementary mod over this mod, and it shall change some rules of the game to make it more Frostpunk like

Mod Code Credits

I am not a good modder but there are an abundant number of good mods with code available. I look at them continuously and take their code. below is my credits and reference to those modders. all rights belong to them

  • Repair Turret by Klonan
  • The Ruins by Bilka
  • KS_Power by Klonan
  • Alternative Steam by Degraine
  • SBG by Ondra4260
  • Burner Fuel Bonus by DaveMcW
  • No Lakes by Pithlit
  • Don't build on ores by darkfrei
  • Torches by Klonan
  • Old Boiler by Haq1

and of course Frostpunk and Factorio game copyrights are owned by the developers of those games, I am just a fan of both games

some mods are mentioned besides above list. they are either not used for coding resources or just not yet, they are used for ambiance.

New Craters

there is an automated way for generating that. if there is interest I can explain. you still need to build the crater using editor mode, but then the blueprint of the crater will be taken by mod itself, that is how I generated all those craters.

there are 8 craters right now in mod, and every time a new crater is needed one picked randomly


- Do not alter Eff2 and 3 modules: mod puts speed on these, enable/disable the change
- Do not alter oil processing recipes: replaces water with steam
- Do not disable alternate power options: does not prevent steam engine, nuclear or solar panels. this breaks the idea of the mod though
- Fake-infinite Furnace Efficiency tech limit: due to implementation it is fake, there is a hard limit
- Fake-infinite Furnace Efficiency tech upgrade bonus: %5 per tech, but also be aware that this is more like a 100 - X * value so it cannot exceed 20 for default %5, or it will make fuel free.
- Fake-infinite Furnace Power tech limit: due to implementation it is fake, there is a hard limit
- Fake-infinite Furnace Power tech upgrade bonus: by default it is +3 MW
- Separate name for furnaces: every furnace is called "furnace" or it can be like "furnace, %5 efficient, +12MW" like

- Initiate furnace spawning operations: ABSOLUTE NEEDED, this is the main tick that enables/disables spawning. if set to false then it means no furnace will be spawned. useful for some maps that you may not want furnace spawning, like old maps etc.
- Debug prints: it logs to a file for debugging, skip it
- Accumulated furnace distance before spawning tile: each furnace/crater is spawned within distance, or cliffs will collide and make the craters unusable. after each furnace spawns, the further ones will be more distant by this value so it is cumulative
- Base furnace spawn rate at every chunk: %3, it is a random roll. but also script will be smart to keep a distance to prevent collusion, still due to settings it can be messed up, beware of changing this
- Furnace distance probability increment per chunk: when there is a furnace at point X/Y then new furnaces will be %3 + %1 per distance, so when you go further than a furnace the spawn rate will increase a lot and eventually spawn a new furnace
- Min furnace distance before spawning: by default it is 512, and it means two furnaces cannot be closer than 512 tiles. furnaces are taken about center of crater
- Log prints: logs stuff