by npo6ka

FNEI mod. All recipes for items and usage for them.

3 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Recipe from Py`s mods not showing up

6 years ago

For some reason the alien bacteria mk1 recipe (from py`s mods) doesnt actully shows up in FNEI,
this is the only recipe so far not showing up

6 years ago

Please try to include hidden and unreachable recipes in the settings

6 years ago

Just found another recipe not showing up (Proceccing crude oil in py`s desulfuration unit)

and activating hidden and/or disabled recipes doesnt help either of them

6 years ago

Had the same problem in my mod pack with the recycler-recipes: one item + fluid, the problem here was that my assembler prototype for this recipes had an "ingredient_count=1", the game engine dosen't care about it, aslong one of the two ingredients is an fluid so it was useable. But FNEI dosen't show it, after chaning "ingredient_count=2" as it suposed to be, FNEI shows the recipe.

Maybe it's the same problem?

5 years ago

Fixed in 0.1.6. Please check your problems.

5 years ago

Works perfectly now thanks!

New response