Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Cannot add/import blueprints even with commands

1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

VERY FIRST - SKIP to the LAST POST and read it FIRST.

First thanks in advance, I really appreciate this mod and what it does :) I dread the idea now of lay tracks any other way.

I cannot seem to import any blueprints

I've tried just reading them in from the quick bar and read the message that that doesn't work.
So I have clicked on read with a blueprint on the cursor and it didn't work
So I have clicked on read with a blueprint book with 2 blueprints on the cursor and it didn't work
I have done the same with the /farl_read_bp commands too and nothing seems to work.

This is with the latest version of FARL 4.1.2
And factorio version: Factorio 1.1.77 (build 60464, win64, full)
There are no obvious errors in the log file either.

Here are the 2 blue print strings



1 year, 9 months ago
(updated 1 year, 9 months ago)

Based on the code below, it looks like the game itself is kind of the problem
Possibly the "cursor.is_blueprint" and "cursor.is_blueprint_book" aren't working right
I say this because in both the case where I try clicking with a blue print and clicking with a blue print book ends up failing and printing out the message lines in the "else" block.
I kind of wish the situation were a little complex because then maybe a simple code change might fix it, but if the cursor blue print calls are what is failing then it isn't probably fixable from the FARL end

honestly if I could fully decode my blueprint strings I would and just put then in the code as a modified version of FARL.. it's just the darned compression I can't figure out how to deal with

        if cursor and cursor.is_blueprint and cursor.is_blueprint_setup() then
            table.insert(bp, cursor)
            read_from_cursor = true
            read_blueprints = read_blueprints + 1
        elseif cursor and cursor.is_blueprint_book then
            bp, count =  getBlueprints(cursor, 'setup')
            read_from_cursor = true
            read_blueprints = read_blueprints + count
            farl:print("Cant read from the quickbar currently. Click the Read button with a blueprint or a blueprint book.")
            farl:print("(Reading from the quickbar will be reenabled as soon as the API allows it")
            --bp = GUI.findBlueprintsInHotbar(player, 'setup')
1 year, 9 months ago

And here is my mod list. not sure how to include a save here...

additional-paste-settings 0.10.1
AfraidOfTheDark 1.1.1
alien-biomes 0.6.8
alien-biomes-hr-terrain 0.6.1
auto-research 5.2.1
BigBags 1.0.35
blueprint_flip_and_turn 101.8.6
bobassembly 1.1.6
bobenemies 1.1.6
bobinserters 1.1.7
boblibrary 1.1.6
boblogistics 1.1.6
bobmining 1.1.6
bobmodules 1.1.6
bobpower 1.1.7
bobrevamp 1.1.6
bobwarfare 1.1.6
Bottleneck 0.11.7
BottleneckLite 1.2.4
calculator-ui 1.1.1
ChangeMapSettings 5.0.1
ChunkyChunks 1.5.1
CJs_QoL_Research_Ver1 2.1.2
clock 1.1.0
Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.5.5
even-distribution 1.0.10
factorio-reach 2.7.1
factoryplanner 1.1.60
FARL-fixed-se 4.1.3
Fill4Me 0.10.0
flib 0.12.6
Flow Control 3.1.4
fluid_permutations 0.4.1
FNEI 0.4.1
GDIW 1.1.0
helmod 0.12.15
Infinizoom 0.1.9
Inventory Sensor 1.10.6
Krastorio2 1.3.18
Load-Furn-Fixed 0.8.11
Loader-Furnace 6.1.1
LogisticTrainNetwork 1.18.2
manifold-pumps 0.0.5
miniloader 1.15.6
Moar-Radar 0.5.0
ModuleInserter 5.2.4
My_Bot_Start_Krastorio2_plus_Some_Bobs_Few_Stuffs 1.0.0
No_Wood_For_Bob 1.1.1
Noxys_StackSizeMultiplier 0.4.6
OutpostPlanner1-1 1.2.3
PickerAtheneum 1.2.5
PickerBeltTools 1.2.6
PickerBlueprinter 1.1.6
PickerDollies 1.2.6
PickerExtended 4.1.4
PickerInventoryTools 1.1.15
PickerPipeTools 1.1.4
PickerTweaks 2.2.7
PickerVehicles 1.1.3
qol_research 3.3.3
railloader 1.1.6
RecExplo 1.1.1
RecipeBook 3.5.2
rso-mod 6.2.23
SantasNixieTubeDisplay 0.1.12
SchallMinorTweaks 1.1.2
SmartTrains 5.1.1
sonaxaton-research-queue 0.4.21
Squeak Through 1.8.2
TagToTeleport 1.1.1
textplates 0.6.10
TimeTools 2.1.44
Todo-List 19.3.0
upgrade-planner-next 2.2.1
VehicleSnap 1.18.5
Warehousing 0.5.7
Waterfill_v17 1.1.0
WaterWell 1.1.2
WellPlanner 1.1.5

1 year, 4 months ago

Be 100% sure your blueprints are put inside your inventory and also at the game bar.

1 year, 3 months ago

Any chance I can get some help please even if it isn't a fix?

I gave up on waiting for a maybe impossible fix to try putting my own blueprints in the code itself as the default blueprint.
I have that partially working.
The first problem I have I think has to do with this variable - boundingBox. I tried setting it based on the values in the blueprint screen but the result is two fold.

First the electric pole is not in the right place.
And second, maybe, the rest of the blue print is not being placed at all.
So no concrete and no other rails.
All I have in the BPs are signals, a pole, 4 rail tracks, concrete.

So for example in the vertical BP I set it to this:

boundingBox = { br = { x =42 , y = 4 }, tl = { x = 0, y = 0 } },

But I have no idea what "br" and "tl" even mean or if I need this really.
So any idea what they mean?

In this case I actually overwrote the following 2 fields with BPs with concrete in them


And then set the default BPs to equal these so I have this as well:

defaultsDiagonal = defaults_concrete_diag
defaultsStraight = defaults_concrete_vert

The end result though is that I get a single track being planted along with regular signals and electric poles but only a single track where as the BP has 4. Also no concrete is being planted.

The updated blueprints are as follows



Oh well I'll go back at it and post my findings eventually if I get it working.

1 year, 3 months ago

Ok last response. I found the other post that had advice for getting this to work.

To put the BPs in my inventory rather than the blueprints than JUST in the button bar. After that it doesn't matter if I take them from the bar or inventory and click on read.

I don't supposed we could get a version of FARL updated with a slightly different error message?

player.print("Cant read from the quickbar currently. Click the Read button with a blueprint or a blueprint book.")

and just alter it a little to mention that ALSO the BPs must be in your inventory AND NOT just in the quickbar.

That would save a lot of people a lot of pain.
I almost didn't try putting them in my inventory but it seemed like "nah that couldn't be the problem"

well thanks for the great mod either way.

New response