Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Clear saved print ?

3 years ago

I finally managed to use a custom blueprint so farl can place a 2 way rails.
But, now i can't stop farl using it
for example, i want to use Farl again tu just follow a ghost rails with placing the print, how can i do that ?

above the button to load print, there are 3 lines to read/save a print, but for me it's the same 3 names
- how do i know which print is ? how to change the name ? (to have a 2 way, or a 4way)
- how to clear these line ?

tried remove/replace the farl loco, remove save print, but nothing do :(

2 years ago

no one ?
still having the issue
can't clear saved print, and can't replace them with new ones :(

New response