Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Krastorio 2 compatibility.

3 years ago

I absolutely adore FARL and it's a mod I will always grab when I go for modded. But I recently tried my hand at Krastorio and there's a bit of a problem. FARL is unable to collect biter creep and will stop when it detects some. I'd love for either a research dedicated to allow FARL to remove biter creep, or just have it check for biter creep when you use it with Krastorio 2. Thanks! :D

3 years ago

Thanks for the report, FARL will remove the creep and collect biomass in roughly the same amount that using the tool would give you.

2 years ago

Great, but could y ou mak Farl engine be able to use Krastorio fuel ? (fuel cell, biofuel, immersite fuel)

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