Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b essentially fatal error - angel/bob's game

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Not sure if I did something wrong, but as soon as I started farl the game dropped to almost a dead stop and then this popped up
I'm playing with angel and bob's, the game is 1.0.

I wasn't over water at the time, so not sure why it was in "fillWater()". I did have "Bridge Water" on so maybe that's normal

Not sure what else I can really add to this:

4546.880 Script @FARL/lib_control.lua:21: 2209422 do local var={left_top={x=-62700.5,y=-59840},right_bottom={x=-60156,y=2835.5}};return var;end
4546.889 Script @FARL/lib_control.lua:21: 2209422 Unexpected error: FARL/FARL.lua:2154: LuaTile API call when LuaTile was invalid.
stack traceback:
FARL/FARL.lua:925: in function <FARL/FARL.lua:910>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
FARL/FARL.lua:910: in function 'fillWater'
FARL/FARL.lua:724: in function 'prepareArea'
FARL/FARL.lua:2154: in function 'placeRails'
FARL/FARL.lua:496: in function 'update'
FARL/control.lua:96: in function <FARL/control.lua:95>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
FARL/control.lua:95: in function <FARL/control.lua:81>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
FARL/control.lua:81: in function <FARL/control.lua:80>

after this the game sort of played but so slowly I couldn't do anything include exit
I had to kill factorio with the task manager

4 years ago

ok the default sample blue prints are no longer valid.
if I generate either one and try to read it, it says it's missing a chain signal which is it.

it seems to work if I clear any blue prints. so it just places a single rail though rather than a pair

does FARL not support the re-inforced concrete walls or refined concrete maybe?

then tried with a new blue print with just the rails and large power pole 4.
this locked up the game too.

So it seems to not like the other poles or the poles. It locks the game now even if I have "place poles" off and "place concrete" off

next I'll try with out poles in the BP and see if there are issues
well I can't it seems. FARL refuses to read any blue prints without poles....

I guess if I want to switch back to normal power poles maybe it'll work?

4 years ago

Thanks for the reports, should be fixed in the latest update.

I'm not sure what caused the "LuaTile API call... " error, but the reason for the slowdown should be fixed. The changes to blueprints a few versions ago caused FARL to use huge boundingboxes (based on the map coordinates where the blueprint was created). In your case it looks like it used roughly a 2544 by 57000 tile wide area (not sure about the 59k, that seems insane), which would be checked for trees/water every time FARL placed a new rail segment.
You'll have to recreate the blueprints (or just read them into FARL again)

If you still experience errors/slowdown let me know, ideally with a save or the blueprintstrings FARL is using.

And while writing this: I forgot to fix the sample blueprints.. I'll save these for later this week

4 years ago

works great :)
thank you very much for this

as for that error, I've only seen it the one time and can't reproduce.... typical right?

Is there a reason power poles a required in blue prints?
I want to use them, but when I thought maybe it was just the power pole causing this, I tried a blue print without one and it wouldn't even allow it.
Easier to code for? Valid reason if so :)

Either way thanks again for the fix and the mod.

I will be using this in my next play through :) It looks like a great mod now that I figured (watched) how to use it.

New response