Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Error when placing landfill

4 years ago

When I am tring to build rail over water the farl stops and throws this error:

Unexpected error : FARL/FARL.lua:2163:on_player_built_tile(ID 45)(45) can't be raised through script.
stack traceback:
FARL/FARL.lua:966: in function 'replaceWater'
FARL/FARL.lua:937: in function <FARL/FARL.lua:909>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
FARL/FARL.lua:909: in function 'fillWater'
FARL/FARL.lua:723: in function 'prepareArea'
FARL/FARL.lua:1153: in function 'placeRails'
FARL/FARL.lua:658: in function 'update'
FARL/control.lua:109: in function <FARL/control.lua:108>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
FARL/control.lua:108: in function <FARL/control.lua:81>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
FARL/control.lua:81: in function <FARL/control.lua:80>

I have arcound 800 landfill and 3k rail. When I spam the start button it will plase one rail and then it will stop.
The only other mods I have active are:
Far Reach
Optera's library

4 years ago

Update to the latest version, error should be fixed there

4 years ago

Oke, so it turns out that I am an idiot and I wasn't on the most resent release of the mod, however now I have a different problem. It does place landfill now, but it fills a enrie chunk of terrain with landfill and not just the part where the FARL wants to place rail.

4 years ago

Sorry totally missed your response, thank you! I did update it indeed and now that error is gone. But the problem in my previous comment is still there, not only that, it also clears all the trees, cliffs and fills all the water to the right side of the train, the left side of the train remains untouched.

4 years ago

Oke, I don't know what I did, but after fiddling around with the blueprints and settings the issue is now fixed. Thanks for your response and the amazing mod!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I see what you mean. Looks like the recent blueprint changes messed that totally up.

Until i find the time to work on a proper fix, you can set the checkboxes for Grid size and Absolute reference point when setting up the blueprint.

This should make it work as before i hope

New response