Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b [cant reproduce]Crash When CTRL Click on FARL

5 years ago

Clicked outside of the locomotive!
Also playing with: Multiple Train Control, Train and Fuel Overhaul

5 years ago

Can't reproduce it with the given information. Please provide a save or a more detailed way to reproduce it.

5 years ago


i dont know what to use for file share, so i hope this works

5 years ago

This link doesn't work. There should be something like "Share this file" or try https://wetransfer.com

5 years ago

Seems I can't recreate the crash on my save either way. Sorry for the bother!

link to my save:

5 years ago

No problem.
I think it's unlikely because of FARL, ctrl+clicking on an entity is fast transfer of items, and FARL does nothing if that event is raised.
The next time you get a crash:
- maybe take a screenshot before confirming the message (in case it's a script error, when it's a hard crash it is most likely a Factorio bug since mods shouldn't be able to hard crash the game)
- copy the factorio-current.log

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