Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g [Not a bug]FARL seems to cause crashes on game start

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I have attempted to add FARL to a modpack to play the game with, and was greeted with this error on startup https://i.imgur.com/rzpL6WR.png

I tried removing various mods, starting the game with only FARL in the mod folder, and redownloading the .zip. None of these have changed the startup error, and friends who I gave the .zip to also had the same errors. I have not seen any similar reports, and I don't have the vehicle equipement mod in the pack, and especially not when I ran the game with only FARL.

Update: I'm a moron and had the wrong Factorio version installed.

5 years ago

I guess this could be considered a Factorio bug. But they would have to make an update for 0.16 which is not going to happen.

New response