Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g please implement 1/2 L+R as preinstalled

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

of course complete customizable railblueprints are nice. but reading from tollbar has broken with 0.17.

I guess 90% of the persons will satisfied if there could be single/double way (for each direction) for left and right hand traffic support preinstalled. and if there is no space in the UI the latter one can be moved to player mod settings.

Personally I never used the 3 slots for different blueprints settings.

You already have the blueprints somewhere in the code. That's why you can create them onClick.
Please have them pre-installed so the mod can directly be used. The blueprints were for left-side-traffic. This would be better than nothing. But maybe you can create them for right-hand-traffic as well.

Until you need 2 rails for each direction you will have robots, so this might not that big issue for the most people.

FARL is the very first mod I always enable. Best utility mod. It sould be in the base game.

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