Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Bridge Not working in 0.16.20 steam x64

6 years ago

Hello, I just downloaded the last files from here and at first i was used FARL straight with my other mods but this didnt work. Then i disabled all the other mods and started a new sandbox game but still bridges dont work. Tried it with both a farl module in a regular loco and tried with a FARL loco too. I have about 1000 concrete and 1000 landfill blocks in the first cargo wagon behind the FARL loco. I get in, click the bridge water option and click the save setting button. Then i click start. It puts down rails/concrete floor/walls/power poles and signals all fine, even makes diagonals great, as soon as I hit a water body, tried with both deepwater and regular water, i get a message, Deactivated: can't place rail. This was all done with just 1 FARL loco at the front. If I try to click Bulldozer, it gives an error, need farl on both ends. So i put FARL loco on both ends, but cant click the bulldozer option. So yea, If you want, you can ask me further and i can experiment more to see where the trouble is. Please help, i love your mod and would like to keep using it!

6 years ago

fixed, with 2.0.4, thanks!

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