Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Change which poles are used?

7 years ago

Is it already possible to change which poles the mod places? By default it places the 'Big electric pole', 30 wire reach. I'd like to change it to use 'Big electric pole MK3', which has a reach of 50. (I think this is from one of the Bob's mods...not entirely sure) Also, there is a mod for adding a light to the pole, so it is actually 'Lighted Big electric pole MK3', so instead of placing a lamp next to the pole, it's actually on the pole. I know you have a dropdown for the Rail type, but is one for pole type also possible?

7 years ago

Nevermind, I didn't realize I could just use a blueprint for what I wanted to do, this is great, thanks!

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