Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

i More tooltips and descriptions

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Please, add localizable tooltips for each gui element. I'm using FARL first time, and wouldn't like to how-to on forums... Already read FAQs, but sure the mod should be understandable itself. Additional descriptions are welcome too, for example for FARL-train: "Get into the train to view its settings", because HUGE amount of people asked the question "How to open settings menu?"...

Additional button "How to" in settings would be great too. It should open a centered window with short description of basic mod's mechanics.

EDIT: Oh.. The sourcecode is opened. So I can try to pull a request with my suggestions realized. =)

7 years ago

A "How to" button is on my mind for a long time. The annoying part is coming up with a sensible text, make images and create an ingame manual of sort. That's why it's not there (yet)

7 years ago

Man, you're a perfectionist! =)

7 years ago

I gave up on all that and just use {"todo.not-localzied"}

and have
not-localized=If you really do read this let me know and I will fix.

New response